While still repping his Bootleg Skateboards roots with a forearm tattoo of the original logo, Trapasso is one of Toy Machine’s most visible pros, and he is on a serious roll right now. After wrapping up a well-deserved part in this year’s “Prevent This Tragedy” video, Trapasso is already rolling right along, filming for the next Toy Machine project. At just 21 years old, Trapasso — also one of Cons’ top dogs — has already had four standout video parts. Learn how Trapasso shot his part and much more in this exclusive interview at ESPN.com/Action: espn.go.com For everything on X Games 16: Real Street visit: XGames.com/RealStreet. Check YouTube.com/XGames every week for the next five weeks as we’ll be debuting two parts a week leading into X Games 16. Up next week are videos from Leo Romero and Luan Oliveira. And after all the parts are out visit XGames.com/RealStreet to vote for your favorite.
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