How To Ride A Bike

Article by Jason James

There was a kid in me once and you will remember it forever because this is about how to ride a bicycle. This is the truth the actual truth and nothing but the truth and riding a bicycle begins from your younger days. The kid grows up and wants a bicycle and does not know how to ride one, forget the kid knowing the meaning of riding a bicycle.

So dad goes by the shop one day and buys this kid a brand new bicycle! check mate! how the hell do you ride this one dream that came true? Nothing much happened and days went by and the actual TRUTH ABOUT RIDING A BICYCLE IS REVEALED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HUMAN HISTORY AND ANTHROPOLOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY YOU NAME! stop the gibberish and lets get down to the facts of actually riding a bicycle.

Please follow the steps mentioned below

1.Get on the bike on your own and explore the possibility of balancing

2.If you cannot balance try try try till you can

3.Slowly you will see the nature in riding a bicycle, it’s like a bird learning to fly

4.Gain confidence

5.Implement the gained confidence

6.You will learn from your mistakes and improve your skills

Thus said and done! From a kid till you reach the age of death you will always want a bicycle and the demand for a better version grows with age. But everybody must remember that riding a bicycle is like learning to fly because it gives you the feeling of self improvement and accomplishment while the high energy levels in your brain speaks for it’s self and THIS IS THE ENERGY THAT TRIGGERS YOU TO GO OUT THERE AND RIDE. Compare riding a bicycle to riding a horse or the phrase “You’ve got to learn to crawl before you learn to walk” it all comes with the experience and learning the balancing act, I mean how does a circus gymnast do such wonderful stunts? The answer is my friend “he tried the act and learned his own way, he likes the way he has become.

The skill is in the stunt man and he likes it so we would say one important message here “Get on the bike and learn to fly”. How do you like that! “being tongue tied twisted like an earth bound misfit”. The older guys and girls who still cannot ride a bicycle well its time you buy one and start learning to fly, Bicycles for the old are also available in the market all over the world but do not expect a “Penny Farthing” except you live to be minus three hundred years old, you know what we mean?

The bicycle is meant for mankind and how to ride a bicycle is simple, you can have your dad or mom hold the bicycle for the first few moments and then slowly as days go by you will balance on your own like i mentioned “learning to fly”

About the Author

Jason is the author of many articles and has a blog about 55LH40 flat screen tvs and has 55LH40 Reviews there for you to read.