Enjoying Motocross

Article by Andy Freeman

Motocross riding is exciting and seemingly getting more popular every day. From professional racers doing the summer circuit to amateurs tooling around on a local course, motocross clutches are certainly getting a work out. There are so many bike styles and such variety in the sport, that every motocross rider can find their perfect niche. All you have to do is figure out your own motocross style and start having fun.

If your dream is to become a professional racer or course competitor, then there is plenty of opportunity with races and courses all around the world. You are limited only by how advanced you want to go and what your bike can take. You’ll want to get a bike designed for heavy competitions and be prepared for a lot of maintenance. Motocross clutches need to be changed after every five races or so, and you need to constantly monitor the clutch for slippage. And all the other parts must be maintained too, like the engine, tires, and rotors. But if you’re good and you can make it to the competitive level, then you can hire a mechanics team to care for you bike.

But maybe you just love the fun and individuality of motocross. You like hanging around the course, learning new skills, and trying to be better each practice. You will still need a good bike and perform routine care. Motocross clutches and engines should always be kept in great condition and ready to ride. There may even be some mechanics at the course who can give you advice and tips on caring for your bike.

If you like learning the tricks and stunts, there are countless motocross forums online and groups who get together and these are great places to learn new stunts. There will be some experienced riders who know just how to use motocross clutches to accomplish the coolest stunts and most are more than happy to help their fellow riders. These are great places for one on one instruction.

Some of the online forums let readers post videos of their own stunts along with the pros. For example, you can watch videos of back-flips and 360 spins and it will walk you through the trick and tell you how to maneuver your bike. And when you master the stunt you can post your triumphant video. These sites are also a great place for information on kits for upgrading motocross clutches and braking systems, and the newest innovations in motocross.

Whatever area of motocross that you choose, always remember to care for your bike. This sport puts a lot of wear and tear on them and the parts need to be cared for, especially motocross clutches and brakes. If you are just getting into motocross biking, or even if you been in awhile, take a look around and maybe try something outside your niche. Who knows, maybe your weekend riding will develop your skills enough that you could one day find yourself on the pro circuit.

About the Author

Premium quality EBC brake pads and rotors for cars, trucks, motorcycles, is our business…. all made in the UK.For further information regarding our range of motocross cltuches and where you can buy them from, please visit http://www.ebcbrakes.com.