Surprise your kids this Christmas with Razor scooter. Why?g. Christmas, Birthday)?

Article by Chuah Nixon

In a recent gathering, one of my friends brought out a topic of what to surprise his twin kids (a boy and a girl) on their upcoming birthday. It’s a headache to him until someone at their teenage age suggested: Why not a scooter? We continue to listen out of curiosity. The teenager start sharing how terrific and convenience it is now after having a “pro grade” Razor scooter since 1 year back as a reward from his parent.

Nowadays, people are living in sedentary lifestyle and getting less physically active. This trend has indeed resulting in the increased of modern diseases and catastrophic obesity. Stop our next generation from following this trend (e.g. watching TV, play online gaming,..).

Get them out from house and engage them in fun whizzing and energy-drained outdoor activities more often to confidently showcase their untapped potential! Razor scooters series can be an ideal alternative, thereby making it to top on the kid’s well-liked wish list and is a stylish thing to possess. Give your kids a strong reason to pull themselves out from virtual digital world to have an exhilarating ride with such entertaining vehicle.

Extract some of the benefits shared: 1) Whole body coordination and balancing 2) Get fit through real physical development (not the virtual work out and eye straining video game exercise)3) Socializing skill4) Learn on the self-protection safety gear aspect (elbows, knee guard, helmet)5) Action filled and freestyle speedy tricks allow kids a good channel to drain their full energy-packed body, which promotes agility to make them more alert and flexible. 6) Being innovative and inventive to come out with new stunt games7) Leg muscle toning and optimum BMI maintenance 8) The sweaty perspirations accelerate their whole body metabolism and blood circulation to keep their mind fresh, which is important in assisting their study journey 9) Avoid the premature myopia as their eyes are all degree exercised. (Staring too long on iPAQ, iPhone and any other indoor activities will bring our kids sooner towards the road to nearsightedness)10) A cheaper and green transportation mode to help our earth to reduce the carbon footprint

See the upside and those many benefits that the teenage had just shared? I’m sure you get the picture. One note though, safety and reliability features of the scooter are the most important focus when searching for one. Make sure you put on high priority in your requirement list.

To parent, this is a relatively low-cost hobby to give your “little angel” a bunch of joy and mobility freedom with their brand new present without burning a hole into your pocket. Better still, the scooter can be “recycled” and passed on to the next sibling for the next wave of fun!

About the Author

From market research, Razor scooters are particularly top rated and constantly rewrite the industry standard of excellence in terms of color, innovative design, material selection, making it to stand apart from the competition as the winner of Parents Choice Award. Start experiencing by visiting to find out more what others say, third party reviews and useful tips on Razor Electric Scooters and Razor Kick Scooters. Enjoy your favorite pick!