Tips on Buying the Right Snowboard
Article by John Edgar
Selecting and purchasing a snowboard these days have become quite a task as more and more choices have become available. One would expect that with these many choices and supply on the upside, the price of snowboards would be cheaper compared to prior years but this has not been the case. This upward rise in the snowboard prices can be attributed to its ever increasing popularity year over year as many people have picked up the sports across all ages. Suffice it to say that purchasing a snowboard set-up can dent your wallet so picking the best fit for you is of utmost important. Snowboard is not only an investment in itself but the right snowboard will determine the riding experience you can have and secure your safety as well.
The snowboard equipment has changed over the years due to advanced innovations in the industry but the fundamentals in choosing them have, more or less, remained constant. Below are some of the basic tips one should think of when buying a snowboard:
Do your research. It is common sense that one should first know the basic details about something before buying it. Read some reviews on the board you want to buy and try to know the basic facts and specs of the brand. The more you know, the better your shopping experience will be which, in the end, may save you a lot of money. Do not just splurge on something without getting to know it first.
Set a budget threshold. Do not automatically pay for an expensive board as price does not always equate better or best. You should first determine what skill level you are at. Remember that expensive boards usually cater to the more advanced and skilled riders and you want to avoid buying a snowboard that you cannot ride optimally.
Stick to your guns and avoid falling for the in-store pitch. You will always be exposed to sales pitches from the sales guy once you are in the store. They will try to move the products that are available in the store or the ones that are pricey or the ones that they are just simply trying to move. You want to avoid falling for those if you feel that they are not a good fit. Do your research, know what you want, find it and buy it.
New is king. There is nothing wrong with buying a used snowboard but unless you know who was the user of the board, buying a used one does not normally translate into a good experience in the long run. The board has no odometer to tell you the mileage it has traversed and how it was ridden or what damages it had. Safety is big in snowboarding so make sure that you are riding a structurally sound snowboard at all times.
Change is good. Do not be hesitant to break a habit for the better. Just because you rode a 160-length before does not mean that a 160 is also good for you now. It used to be an accepted guideline that the height of your snowboard should be between your chin and nose but now, snowboard sizing is geared towards the weight of the rider. You need a bigger snowboard surface area if you weigh more. Additionally, your riding skills might have improved or your style might have changed so assess what you need based on your present situation and buy based on that. Do not box yourself as this will not only stunt your progression, but will also limit your options.
The pointers discussed above are some good things you can start off as you decide on what snowboard to buy. In the end, the decision will fall on shoulder. Whether you are buying online or in-store, always keep in mind what you want to achieve with the board you are buying. Do you want to progress to the next level? Do you want to learn new tricks? Or do you just want to have a relaxing everyday ride? Whatever it is you decide, always try to go for the board that will give you the safest and best riding experience.
About the Author
John E. Edgar is a writer who writes across many topics including sports and outdoor activities. You can check out his latest website at Rossignol Snowboard, where he provides unbiased product reviews and descriptions to help you with an informed purchasing decision for buying Rossignol snowboard, including their boards with the Amptek, Magne-Traction and Magtek technology, and much more.
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