Learn some tips on how to turn carving into airing in this free instructional video clip on applying basic BMX bike riding skills.Expert: Garson Fields Bio: Garson Fields is 20 years old. He has been riding BMX and mountain bikes for seven years. Garson is an avid BMX rider. He has taught others various tricks and techniques as well. Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso
Jeezus, get on with the? demo.
I dont? even know why I watch expert village
the hardest part of riding a scooter is telling your parents your? gay
did your friends teach your spelling as well? or just dick sucking??
knobhead, if u know? how to do it already why are u watching these vids anyway?
Pussy???? Keep ur insecurities to yourself little man… I? know how to air u muggy prat, this demonstration on how to air is mediocre at best.
@xcaliburxxx? Did yours?
did your friend’s teach? you grammer???
Did your? friends told you to talk like that. LOL!?!?
Did your friends told you that a broken head is ‘cooler’ than wearing? a helmet?
I love my helmet. Unless its cold…Then I? rock a tooque.
lol r you one of them fags who think a helmet? is..’not cool enough for them’
Challenge? Accepted.
1:05? š
why do bmx videos? always have people in the comments telling you to press certain buttons fast…
Check my channel for a how to turndown or make? a request
did? he even hop the thing hahaha
1:08? Stinky fart man! Go to the toilet š
press 5? fast
He should be a teacher, heĀ“s very? clear and very good at explaining things.
1:08? the bike cried